Energy Affects Every Aspect of Our Lives

Your extraordinary life is a continuous flow of your unique signature vibration.

Realigning your vibration can inspire you to expand to your highest potential for personal empowerment & self-awareness.

Vibrational Alignment within yourself, with your home, career and relationships assists you in living your most vibrant, joyful life with optimal health.  

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Healing Sessions & Consultations

Explore Jaye’s healing sessions and consultation options to find the one that’s right for you.

In-Person Sessions • Long Distance Sessions  Concierge In-Home Sessions 
Infants, Children and Teens Sessions • Design Your Personal Healing Space 
Home Energy Realignment • Intuitive Consultations 
Animal Communication & Healing Sessions 

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Karen, Sugden VT

I have been having remote sessions with Jaye for over five years now. I have found these sessions to be extremely balancing emotionally and physically and always feel more grounded and more myself afterwards. It’s amazing how this can be the case from a distance, but I feel definite physical unwinding during the session and always feel lighter and more at peace afterwards. I have had many reasons for getting a session ranging from grief, from the loss of mother, to health issues and Jaye is always a supporting presence no matter what issue I’m dealing with.

Karen, Sugden VT September 29, 2019